Well, that was a funny old summer. In March I caught the dreaded virus, spent 8 days in Intensive Care Unit at the local NHS hospital. Thank goodness I do not live in the USA otherwise I would be bankrupt by now.
Anyway, things have been very quiet on the sailing and reenactment fronts sadly. Business for us has ticked over but I know many others have not been so fortunate. The ‘new normal’ is not normal at all I am afraid.
The enforced break has led my wife and I to take stock and changes are on the way. I nearly died in March and events like that make one realise what is important and what it just so much froth.
Eyepatches have been selling really well I am pleased to say.

Curiously, small leather items, cases, belts and so on have been in great demand for the past few months. On the other hand, marine work has been almost non existent this summer.

Still, looking on the bright side, my boat does not need antifouling this year 🙂